Get html after tag


  • html
  • name of tag (h1/span/div/...)


  • html after tag

Neuron type

Best algorithm has been found - locked


Pattern Input Output
html: <body><h1 class="title">My page</h1></body>
name of tag (h1/span/div/...): h1
html after tag: My page</h1></body>
html: <body><div style=""><span></span>text</div></body>
name of tag (h1/span/div/...): div
html after tag: <span></span>text</div></body>
html: <span>text</span><div>text2</div>
name of tag (h1/span/div/...): span
html after tag: text</span><div>text2</div>
html: <div class="red">text1<br>text2</div>
name of tag (h1/span/div/...): div
html after tag: text1<br>text2</div>

Applicable neurons

  • Get after substring
  • character >
  • Rectangle - perimeter
  • character ,
  • √¯(a² + b² + c²)
  • convert minutes and seconds into MM:SS
  • \\d
  • character {
  • Is X divisible by Y...



Code made by AI:
 * Length of string: 
 * @param x1 String
 * @return {Array}
function neuron528(x1)

 * Length of string: 
 * @param x1 String
 * @return {Array}
function neuron528(x1)

 * Substring (startPosition, endPosition): Get substring from string - from position - to pos
 * @param x1 MyString
 * @param x2 start position
 * @param x3 end position
 * @return {Array}
function neuron525(x1, x2, x3)
return[x1.toString().substring(x2, x3)];

 * Substring (from position to end): 
 * @param x1 MyString
 * @param x2 start position
 * @return {Array}
function neuron529(x1, x2)
  var outputs = [];
  outputs[0] = x1;
  outputs[1] = x2;

  arr = neuron528(outputs[0]);
  outputs[2] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron525(outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2]);
  outputs[3] = arr[0];


 * Position: Search position substring of string
 * @param x1 MyString
 * @param x2 FindMe
 * @return {Array}
function neuron523(x1, x2)
return [x1.toString().indexOf(x2.toString())];

 * Get after substring: 
 * @param x1 MyString
 * @param x2 Substring
 * @return {Array}
function neuron531(x1, x2)
  var outputs = [];
  outputs[0] = x1;
  outputs[1] = x2;

  arr = neuron528(outputs[1]);
  outputs[2] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron529(outputs[0], outputs[2]);
  outputs[3] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron523(outputs[0], outputs[1]);
  outputs[4] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron529(outputs[3], outputs[4]);
  outputs[5] = arr[0];


 * 2: 
 * @return {Array}
function neuron502()
return [2];

 * 6: 
 * @return {Array}
function neuron506()
return [6];

 * Connect - two inputs: 
 * @param x1 Variable A
 * @param x2 Variable B
 * @return {Array}
function neuron520(x1, x2)
return [x1.toString()+x2.toString()];

 * Ascii code into character: 
 * @param x1 ascii code
 * @return {Array}
function neuron585(x1)
return [String.fromCharCode(x1)];

 * character >: 
 * @return {Array}
function neuron607()
  var outputs = [];

  arr = neuron502();
  outputs[0] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron506();
  outputs[1] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron520(outputs[1], outputs[0]);
  outputs[2] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron585(outputs[2]);
  outputs[3] = arr[0];


 * Get html after tag: 
 * @param x1 html
 * @param x2 name of tag (h1/span/div/...)
 * @return {Array}
function neuron629(x1, x2)
  var outputs = [];
  outputs[0] = x1;
  outputs[1] = x2;

  arr = neuron531(outputs[0], outputs[1]);
  outputs[2] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron607();
  outputs[3] = arr[0];

  arr = neuron531(outputs[2], outputs[3]);
  outputs[4] = arr[0];


Code made by AI:

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